Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[Have an] Ice Day

Usually I'm somewhat proud of the fact that I am not surgically attached to various items of technology, and that I can get along relatively well without it, but today I'm feeling a bit abashed.  You see, had I been more attached to technology, I would have been able to sleep in this morning for an additional two hours.  But I didn't get the memo, literally.

Last night we got an interesting mix of snow, rain, and sleet, all of which froze over in the wee hours of the morning, and by commute time things looked like this:

For someone from Wisconsin, this is nothing.  So it's a bit icy - big deal!  Just allow a few more minutes for travel and walk carefully.  What did I care?  I went most of the way underground, so the ice didn't bother me.

And then I found out.  I should have known, really.  You see, in Washington, this kind of weather is a crisis.  So OPM (the Office of Personnel Management, essentially the government's human capital office) declared a two-hour delay because of the weather.  No one had to come in until 10.  But I didn't know, because I didn't check the government operating status  this morning - hell, I didn't even turn on the computer!  So I went to work at my normal time, and found out about the delay there.  Though how empty the Metro was should have given me a clue...

And those two "extra" hours at work?  I might have spent them reading...

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