Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Take Your Leave Bank and Shove It!

In a staff meeting today one of the administrative assistants was talking about a program she thought we should promote.  It's a leave bank, in which you (and everyone else) can deposit hours of leave and then draw them out at a later date.  You can draw out more than you put in if people agree to give you their leave, which is good for sudden family emergencies that you don't have enough leave to deal with, accidents, and so on.  The assistant explained it this way:

"A leave bank...you know, a suppository, where you can bank your leave and then withdraw it again later."

Were not this woman  fearsome and the one who controls access to my boss I might have cracked a grin at this, but when faced with terrible consequences I remain as emotionless as possible (so did everyone else - though I wish I knew who else caught it).  I wrote it down, though, and now you all know, so you can take your leave bank and shove it.  "And then withdraw it again later."  (Aaaagh!)

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I was in a meeting today with the PMF coordinator for my program office and he said he wasn't going to be "a tickler behind the rules." Yep. A tickler. Behind the rules. I thought I was going to burst out laughing.
