Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I've just returned from dinner and Battlestar Galactica with K&R, but I wanted to take a moment to wish Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers!  You'll probably have noticed that I've fallen a bit behind, but while J was here I spent my time with him, not writing (sorry, but can you blame me?), and this week has been excruciating.  I'll catch up shortly, I promise - I've done it before (remember October?) and I'll do it again.  In the meantime, though, I'd like to send Thanksgiving greetings to all my readers around the world.  They're a  diverse group:

Austria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, 
Egypt, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Japan, 
Poland, Russia, Slovenia, and the United States

I don't know all of you (or at least, I don't think I do), but thank you for reading.  I never thought that I'd have readers from multiple continents when I started writing - I had just intended it as a sort of visual diary for myself!  But even so, I do hope you're enjoying the reading as much as I enjoy the writing and the exploring which stimulates it.  In thanks for your attention, I have a pair of presents:
  • If you'd like to make keeping track of my exploits easier, I've added a "Subscribe" feature on the right, beneath the bagel (ha!).  
  • I've also added a "Cast of Characters" section on the right, under the labels.  Since it's my policy not to identify people by name or otherwise make their lives public, I only use first initials.  This means you might get confused as to who I'm talking about, so read the "cast list" to get sorted out.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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